January 23, 2010
Well, it seems the big complaint of most people across both the USA, the UK and several other countries is how the bankers have stolen millions of pounds/dollars or other such denomination in their greed for bonuses. The politicians are now attempting to curtail money paid to the upper echelon of the bankers. A one time tax n bonuses or breaking up banks so they "aren't too large to fail."
We as Americans complain about the state of our government. The US Supreme Court recently ruled spending by corporations and PACs is actually legal in elections. Reporters in England are saying how this will make a hotly contested and "dirty" election even worse. This from a country who decries American ignorance about the world but most then most people here can't tell you where Florida, New York and California are in relation to one another.
The elected British officials work under the title of M.P. (Not to be confused with the military police of American military fame.) It seems the MPs have been having the fun with their paychecks and seem to act very surprised and flabbergasted when some in the public decried their spending habits.
It seems the British government made use of their own ability to write laws even better for themselves than their compatriots in the US did. Imagine this senario for a moment.
You are elected to the British Parliament. You now have the ability to purchase a house near London to use as your residence when you are in session. All interest payments on the loans will be paid for by the government. (Read the taxpayers and yes, I am one. Being a non-EU, I pay the one of the highest tax rates and can't even vote these silly buggers out.) The government will then pay all "reasonable" expenses incurred to furnish, renovate and provide upkeep on the properties. The MP were allowed to declare which place would be their primary residence.
When one of the newspapers leaked the story of how the MPs were claiming for items such as resurfacing a tennis court, an island on a pond for the ducks or even paying family members tens of thousands of pounds to do the laundry, people became slightly angry with the politicians. There was to be a grand inquiry into all claims made. Any that were not completely in line were to be refunded back to the government. Mps were embarrassed as the Home Secretary paid back money for her husband's porn channel at their house. Others claimed interest on house loans which had been paid off for years. (This of course was a simple accounting error. Yeah right!) One had renovated the house claimed the money for the loan then sold the house and kept the money tax free because he classed it now as his primary residence. He subsequently bought another house from his brother and was in the process of renovating it after declaring his original house was now his primary residence.
This continued for a few weeks as more information came to light. MPs were even taped complaining about how the poor people couldn't possibly understand how hard it is to actually be an MP and they should actually get more benefits.
Several members of parliament who admitted they were deeply in the wrong said they would not stand in the next election. They would humbly serve out the remains of their terms and quietly retire. Something fishy? Well of course there was. Any MP who served out their term would be given their full pay for the cycle, they would receive their retirement package and be given a golden handshake the one time payment of about 65,000GBP for their service to the country. It seems at least in this country, there is a reason why it is difficult to find an honest person in politics. Did I mention, you don't actually pick the person running. The leaders of the parties does that for you and you are voting for the party to represent you.
A big thank you goes to our Founding Fathers. The US may be flawed and we may fight about our politics, but at least they are ours even if the big money gets spent by PACs and corporations. . .
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